Outstanding Comedy Series (Actual Nominees):
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Modern Family
Nurse Jackie
The Office
30 Rock
Outstanding Comedy Series (My Picks):
Modern Family
The Big Bang Theory
Better Off Ted
The Office (yes, I know)
OK, so let me start by saying (I love you) (sorry, I took a quick break to reference "Hello" by... Lionel Richie? I think so) ANYWAYS, I know a few of my picks are wrong. OK, no all of my picks are right EXCEPT for The Office. The Office had a bad year, but it was not without highlights - the Jam wedding, introduction of Ellie Kemper (Erin) and Gabe. It also had it's lowlights - I'd take David Wallace over a dog-obsessed Kathy Bates any day of the week, and the majority of the season was just flat out boring! However, HIMYM and 30 Rock also had a slump season and it's not like I'm saying I'd want it to win.
First off of my good picks: Glee. If the world were a perfect place, anyone EXCEPT RMurphz would be in charge of Glee. Don't get me wrong, I loved Glee's first half season, however the second half already felt tired and the writing was just poor. (The whole "Rachel's mom" storyline? I smell "someone wanted to get Idina Menzel on the show"). I find that I more look forward to the music than anything else. I will really get down to all of my issues with Glee at a later date, so now I will just glow about the good things. The acting begs almost no complaints (we're looking at you, Cory Monteith), and it is a generally great underdog concept. The show is uplifting and is the most original show to come around in a long time. I would not be disappointed to see Glee take home the trophy - though I wouldn't say it's the most deserving, which leads me to...
Modern Family! The brightest star on comedy this year was without a doubt Modern Family. Writing about Glee, I almost got into a rant about all my issues with it, but I simply can't with the show I now call "Mod Fam." There is no weak link in this ensemble cast, nor is there many writing screw-ups (actually, none that come to mind). It's simply a show that I cannot criticize, and that is saying something. It's laugh-out-loud-hysterical, but it drifts away from most racist or sexual humor that can sometimes lead to those uncomfortable moments. Not only that, it's more than just silly (we're looking at you, 30 Rock), it's got a lot of heart, and all of it is very real. (I feel better whenever I think about the Family Portrait finale). As far as I'm concerned, this is the only nominated show that really DESERVES the Emmy. If I had a ballot - I'd be voting for you Mod Fam!
The Big Bang Theory - the biggest slip-up by Emmy voters was not nominating The Big Bang Theory. It's the most watched comedy show in the 18-49 demo, and it's really hysterical. Though I still think Mod Fam would beat it out, it deserves to be recognized because it truly is Outstanding. I've said it before, I'll say it again: Dr. Sheldon Cooper for the win! (You may also notice my blog is entitled bazinga. Big Bang has opened up a whole new world of pop culture referencing and has become it's own little phenomenon). Which leads me to...
Community. The second biggest slip up by Emmy voters was not nominating this charmer of a show. The first episodes of Community weren't very good, there's no denying it. After a few episodes, however, it becomes so charming, sweet, and extremely funny. (I think Abed talking in a Batman voice for the entire episode is really what hooked me). Similar to Mod Fam, this is a cast with no weak links or weak characters. There isn't one character/actor I would change, and speaking as the previous "anti-Chevy-Chase," that's also saying something. The show also brings the laughs and the heart-warming, and for sure has my viewership for it's next season - something that I can't say about a lot of the shows mentioned.
Better Off Ted - Oh BOT, why did no one watch you? I will be honest, this show isn't as good as Mod Fam or Community, but it still ranks lightyears above The Office/30 Rock. Yes, no one watched it, but it was still awesome! It had a strong cast of characters and definitely brought the funny more than any show out there. It at times lacked heart, but when it did have heart it was so subtle yet amazing yet... AH! It was just so good. Again, had BOT been nominated I would've been thrilled to see it take home an Emmy. Alas.
Now to those despicable shows that couldn't edge their way onto my list but did edge their way onto the Emmy Ballot:
Curb Your Enthusiasm: I've heard it's good, but I've never watched it. So... I don't have too much to say. Do I feel it mostly got nominated because of it's Seinfeld reunion? Yup. Again, I don't have too much to say.
Nurse Jackie: I have heard NOTHING (from anyone except the lovely internet) about this show. I'm not sure if anyone watches it? I have heard that it is more of a drama than anything else. In my mind, it's just the show that stole Big Bang Theory's spot, so I feel insane amounts of bitterness tomorrow. Do I feel it got nominated based off the very presence of a Sopranos alumni? Absolutely.
30 Rock: The very bane of my existence. I tried to be a good sport for 30 Rock. I watched it's first seasons. However, partway through this season, I had to stop. I honestly sit there, wondering, who enjoys this? Who thinks this is funny, sweet, or clever? I love Tina Fey, I honestly do, but this show would be pushing it with winning one emmy - let alone the stack it's accumulated. It's true that the competition hasn't been stiff, but I truly hope with the edition of this year's new comedies, it's run will be over. Again, I would say that Community deserves this recognition over 30 Rock any day of the week.
That's it for Outstanding Comedy. I will hopefully get to Outstanding Drama tomorrow! Good night, and good luck, my fellow bloggers!
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