Friday, July 23, 2010

Outstanding Drama + Updates

Hello my future readers, (meaning I have no readers right now but I anticipate some in the future)
This Outstanding Drama will be short - so I'm just going to say a few things first.
1: Apparently my blog has been syndicated? This is where I anticipate my other readers coming from. Not sure if everyone gets syndicated - I'm not feeling optimistic. That was what that blog dig thing is below.
2: For any readers happening to stumble upon this - I, in my infinite time, have started a forum where tv lovers can discuss (because I can't find any already existing ones that are good). Unfortunately, I'm the only user on this forum. There are extremely few posts right now (3 to be exact), but with more than one user it could really be a success! The site is: (if it's not a link just copy and paste. I'm not really sure how to do those linker things).
I think that is all!
3: Comic-con is going on now! Ah! I'm so jealous of everyone there! One day I will go. If ever you need someone to go with, readers, know that if you aren't a murderer I will go with you!
4: I did a brief read over a bit of my previous post - and wow do I have some weird errors in there. I may go back and correct them, probably not. I do apologize but I type these late at night and so I'm tired and I don't proofread because - well I just don't. Hopefully you'll all find it in your hearts to forgive me! Good night all!
Outstanding Drama Series Nominees:
Breaking Bad
The Good Wife
Mad Men
True Blood

Alright. Let me start by saying I do not watch almost all of these shows. Some of them I have never seen. So, if you're looking for a well-informed, moderately unbiased opinion, look elsewhere. Really, I don't care all that much about who gets nominated as long as Lost is nominated. So, instead of doing who should've been nominated, let's talk about who should win and, unfortunately, who will win.

Who Should Win: Lost. No doubt in my mind. Now, before you Mad Men throw eggs at me, listen to my reasoning. Lost isn't a regular show. It isn't episodic. It has a long, arching storyline. And in 2010 six years of storytelling came to a close. Now, let me explain why this is anything but pointless rambling. A show like Mad Men (the only other show in the category I have watched), you can watch an episode here and there and you're totally fine. With any show, you're better off watching all of them, but basically, you can pull it off. Lost is different. To make sense of it, you had to watch every episode, and millions did. We sat down every week. Why was it that Lost is this way and Mad Men isn't? Lost is one gigantic story. There are some points where things are resolved or certain threads of the story end, but basically from the minute Jack opens his eye to the minute he closes it - it's a big story. Some may argue that the Maddest Men is also one big story, as is every show, and that's half right - but the fact that you can still understand what's going on if you jump in during the middle of the show's run is proof that this is not one big, long story. Another way to illustrate it: Could you read chapter 7 of the fifth Harry Potter book and know what's going on? Nope. Could you watch episode 5 of season 4 (is this the constant?) and know what's going on? Nope. SO, this is where and why Lost stands apart as being great (much like The Cheese). Lost ended it's story this year. It took six seasons of tumultuous relationships and WTF (meaning why the face) moments and ended with the majority of their cult fan-base satisfied. This isn't a small feat. Coming from a only slightly-experienced story writer - ending a story is about one bajillion times harder than writing the middle of your story. The middle of your story could be when the aliens attack and the world starts exploding. However, when you get to the end, you're tasked with the question "why?" Why is this story being told? Where are we now as opposed to where we started? And the most important question: What was the point? Why did you tell the story of flight oceanic 815? What was it really about? What do you want people to be thinking about? Turns out, the writers knew the answers to these questions (we're looking at you The Sopranos) and turns out, in my opinion, the answers were pretty great. Perfection. The series finale of Lost is something I don't think anyone expected, yet the majority loved. If you can do that? You get an Emmy. Not just for writing (as the finale MUST or I may cry), but for all the parts that worked so smoothly - acting, music, directing (gosh yes, that directing was incredible), and all other things that contribute to: an outstanding drama series. Case closed. Lost: if you don't win the Emmy this year - know that you deserved it.
Who will win: Mad Men. So, I've watched Mad Men. I'm a casual watcher. In the famous words of Jeff Winger: "I don't understand the appeal at all." I'm sure there's some reason it's so highly critically praised. But other than some sweet costumes: I'm totally confused. So, unfortunately I just can't fathom a reason why it should win. If you've got one: please enlighten me! Should I watch more? Here's my issues with it: I don't find it involving/exciting or anything like that. I don't care what happens to Betty or Don or that receptionist or that other guy. They all just kind of waltz around being high-class and glamourous. It's good. But is it outstanding? I'm not sold.

Give me your thoughts and opinions! I'd love to talk about the other nominees, but I'm really not into these types of dramas. (I'm more sci-fi, less serial killers, crystal meth creators, married to the president, and I have a strong aversion to vampires).
OH let me talk quickly about True Blood's nomination. I've never watched it, but based on the analysis of the nominations - i'm dumbfounded by this one. How can something be nominated in a category which encompasses all other categories but not be nominated in any of the other categories (major categories at least). I've heard good things about it - I'm just a bit confused as to how it slipped in over something like Friday Night Lights which at least got lead acting nominations. (And has a lot of buzz surrounding it - should I watch it?) Anyways, that's all I have for you folks tonight.

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